Oil Spill

The oil spill catastrophe caused by BP, Anadarko, Haliburton, Mitsui/MODEC, M-I Swaco and perhaps others is causing damages to shrimpers, boat owners, businesses and to the wildlife, fish, birds and animals. Thornhill Law Firm is pursing class actions in federal district court in New Orleans and in Gulfport. In addition, claims for civil penalties have been asserted in lawsuits filed on behalf of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries through local District Attorneys in four parishes. The State Wildlife and Fisheries claims have recently been removed to federal district court in New Orleans and Lafayette. Motions to remand are being filed on behalf of the State Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. In similar claims for civil penalties after the Exxon Valdez spill, Exxon was cast with and/or settled claims totaling over $1 billion dollars. The scope of the claims in Louisiana may exceed $1 billion dollars.
